Prom PSA
2 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
Prom PSA
March Newsletter
2 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
March Newsletter
Yearbooks are on sale, see image for details
2 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
Yearbooks are on sale
Here is the 2025 Baseball schedule
4 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
Baseball schedule
Basketballs spirit bus will depart form the Event Center at 5 o clock today and return around 1:30am
6 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
Bus route pickups will be approximately one hour later than normal
6 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
Bus routes will be delayed until after the severe weather passes
6 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
📢 Important Announcement for Parents! 📢 State testing begins on April 15, and it is essential for all students to be present and prepared! These assessments help measure student learning and progress, so attendance is crucial. To help you and your child get ready, I’m attaching a Parent-Student-Teacher Guide with important information about the OSTP (Oklahoma School Testing Program). The guide includes helpful details about the test and even some sample questions so you can see what to expect. Please take some time to go over the guide with your child to help them feel confident and prepared for testing. Your support makes a big difference! Thank you for partnering with us in your child’s success! 💙📚✏️ 📎 OSTP Parent, Student & Teacher Guides - Oklahoma
7 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
There will be a pep assembly and send off tomorrow for the Lady Savages at 1:45 at the event Center. There will be a fan bus going please see images for details.
7 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
Quinton Savages Pep Assembly
Quinton savage fan bus
Quinton Public Schools will be transitioning to Distance Learning on Wednesday, March 5, 2025. Thank you parents and community for your understanding. We are very excited to announce that our Girls’ Basketball Team will be playing in the Oklahoma State Basketball Tournament at the Oklahoma Fair Grounds Arena in Oklahoma City against Cyril on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 9:00 pm. We hope to see you there! Loud and Proud! Let’s Go Ladies!! Bring that Gold Ball Home!! 💚🏀💚🏀
7 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
For the Basketball Area Tournament fan parking will be available on the north and west side of the Coliseum. Overflow parking will be located between the Coliseum and softball complex. All spectators will enter the Coliseum through the main entrance on the north side. Gate admission will be GoFan tickets from or $10.00 cash at the door. The OSSAA complimentary pass along with a valid driver’s license will be the only card accepted (card holder only).
12 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
For the Basketball Area Tournament fan parking will be available on the north and west side of the Coliseum. Overflow parking will be located between the Coliseum and softball complex. All spectators will enter the Coliseum through the main entrance on the north side. Gate admission will be GoFan tickets from or $10.00 cash at the door. The OSSAA complimentary pass along with a valid driver’s license will be the only card accepted (card holder only).
Quinton Public Schools will be in session Friday February 21, 2025. Buses will run at their normal time.
17 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
Quinton Public Schools will once again transition to Distance Learning for Thursday, February 20, 2025. This is out of caution for the extreme cold temperatures and our bus routes' road conditions. We appreciate our parents and community for understanding these decisions.
18 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
Due to the freezing temperatures and road conditions, Quinton Public Schools will transition to Distance Learning tomorrow Wednesday, February 19, 2025
19 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
Quinton Public Schools will be distance learning tomorrow, Tuesday. February 18th 2025. Stay warm and be safe.
20 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
For Basketball RegionalsThe boys will play at 2:20 on Thursday at the Mvskoke Dome in Okmulgee. The girls will play at 6 on Thursday. You must buy tickets for each game. They are in different sessions. Instructions and QR code are below
21 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
For Basketball RegionalsThe boys will play at 2:20 on Thursday at the Mvskoke Dome in Okmulgee. The girls will play at 6 on Thursday. You must buy tickets for each game. They are in different sessions.
For Basketball RegionalsThe boys will play at 2:20 on Thursday at the Mvskoke Dome in Okmulgee. The girls will play at 6 on Thursday. You must buy tickets for each game. They are in different sessions.
Here is the QR Code to purchase tickets for basketball playoffs. Tickets online are $8.35. Tickets at the door are $10 each. See images for QR code as well as instructions.
24 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
Here is the QR Code to purchase tickets for basketball playoffs. Tickets online are $8.35. Tickets at the door are $10 each. See images for QR code as well as instructions.
Here is the QR Code to purchase tickets for basketball playoffs. Tickets online are $8.35. Tickets at the door are $10 each. See images for QR code as well as instructions.
Congrats to Andy Perez, 2nd place at Mcalester weight meet on January 30th.
27 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
Congrats Andy
Quinton band had 9 students participate in the Eastern Oklahoma Band Directors Association honor band today. Gabe Hartman was voted outstanding junior high percussionist.
29 days ago, Quinton Public Schools
Quinton band had 9 students participate in the Eastern Oklahoma Band Directors Association honor band today. Gabe Hartman was voted outstanding junior high percussionist.
Quinton band had 9 students participate in the Eastern Oklahoma Band Directors Association honor band today. Gabe Hartman was voted outstanding junior high percussionist.
Quinton band had 9 students participate in the Eastern Oklahoma Band Directors Association honor band today. Gabe Hartman was voted outstanding junior high percussionist.
February Newsletter
about 1 month ago, Quinton Public Schools
February newsletter