Please get your child(ren) enrolled through the FamilyID site. If they play fall sports, you MUST have them enrolled by Thursday. The sitenit:

We won't be collecting box tops this year, instead you will scan your receipt.
Check out this site for further information:

Open House

FamilyID registration is up and running! Here is the link:

High School Media Day will be Wednesday, July 31. Here are the times:
Softball will be at 8
Cheer will be at 8:45
Band will be at 9:30
Football will be 10

Athletic physicals for all Quinton student athletes grades 3-12 🏈 🏀 ⚾️ 🥎
August 1, 2019 @ 5:00
Elementary Gym

The school calendar has been uploaded to the documents tab.

The Elementary School Supply list is in the documents tab of the website.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July

New app is available at Google Play or App Store.

You can download our website through Google Play and iTunes! Look for Quinton Public Schools

Physical Forms are on the new website: http://quintonok.apptegy.us/o/quinton-schools

Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July!!!!